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BIOUNCERTAINTY - ERC Starting Grant no. 805498

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4 marca 2021: Seminarium badawcze online - Adrian Stencel (IF UJ), Javier Suárez (IF UJ): When you are forced to being nice. Multicellularity is more about coercion than about altruism

4 marca 2021: Seminarium badawcze online - Adrian Stencel (IF UJ), Javier Suárez (IF UJ): When you are forced to being nice. Multicellularity is more about coercion than about altruism

Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJ (INCET) zaprasza na seminarium badawcze w ramach projektu BIOUNCERTAINTY. Spotkanie odbędzie się w czwartek 4 marca o godzinie 17:30 na platformie MS Teams (link poniżej).

Abstrakt: The use of agency metaphors in biology is a popular tool as they help guiding research. For instance, in evolutionary biology researchers often say that genes are “selfish” units that pursue their aims and goals. The work of philosophers is to analyze the adequacy of these metaphors. A popular agential idea is to think that somatic cells, responsible for maintaining the functionality of the organism, but incapable of transmitting their genes to the next generation, are altuists. They sacrifice their ‘life” on behalf of the germline cells, where the capacity to transmit genes to the next generation ultimately lies.

What explains the use of this metaphor? One conventional answer refers to inclusive fitness (or kin selection) theory, according to which somatic cells sacrifice themselves altruistically, because they are genetically related to germline cells. Given this genetic relatedness, their sacrifice enhances the transmission of their genes to the next generation, insofar as they are genetic clones of the germline cells. In this talk, we analyze kin selection theory and the mechanisms of the development of multicellular organisms and conclude that this explanation ignores the key role of policing mechanisms in maintaining the germ/soma divide. We conclude that it is better to think of somatic cells as victims of coercion that are forced to sacrifice, rather than as altruists


Adrian Stencel pracuje w Instytucie Filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Główny obszar jego zainteresowań to filozofia biologii, w szczególności teoria ewolucji, biologia populacji i mikrobiologia.

Javier Suárez pracuje w Instytucie Filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Jest również kierownikiem projektu MULTISPECIES na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Jego zainteresowania naukowe obejmują zarówno podstawowe zagadnienia z obszaru filozofii nauki (pojęcia przyczynowości i wyjaśnienia, modelowanie i klasyfikacje naukowe), jak również wybrane problemy związane z filozofią biologii i medycyny.


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