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BIOUNCERTAINTY - ERC Starting Grant no. 805498

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3 września 2019: Seminarium badawcze - Ilana Löwy (CNRS) - Prenatal diagnosis and disability rights

3 września 2019: Seminarium badawcze - Ilana Löwy (CNRS) - <span lang='en'>Prenatal diagnosis and disability rights</span>

Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJ (INCET) zaprasza na kolejne seminarium badawcze w ramach projektu BIOUNCERTAINTY. Wykład pt. „Prenatal diagnosis and disability rights” wygłosi prof. Ilana Löwy z CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 3 września 2019 r. o godz. 17.30 w Instytucie Filozofii UJ (sala 25).

Prof. Löwy jest autorką wielu książek z historii i filozofii medycyny, I. Löwy, Tangled Diagnoses. Prenatal Testing, Women, and Risk, Chicago University Press 2018; I. Löwy, A Woman's Disease: A History of Cervical Cancer, Oxford University Press, 2011; I. Löwy, The Polish School of Philosophy of Medicine: From Tytus Chalubinski to Ludwik Fleck, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990.


My talk will be focused on the intersection of prenatal diagnosis and disability rights. An abortion for a foetal anomaly (the refusal of this child) is presented today by many disability activists as more condamnable that an abortion for the rejection of maternity (the refusal of a child), because a termination of pregnancy with an impaired fetus is an implicit statement that life with disability is worthless. The latter argument, named “expressivist objection” to selective abortion, is presented in absolute and immuable terms: an “eugenic abortion” is, and always had been morally wrong. Yet attitudes to the definition of life and the status of embryos, fetuses, and even premature babies changed with time, as did those to an abortion for a fetal anomaly. Moreover, the emotionally powerful “expressivist objection” to selective abortion is a problematic concept. It lumps together very different situations and levels of disability, extrapolates from “exemplary disabilities,” often compatible with autonomous life, to all the other inborn impairments, and neglects the thorny issue of care for severely disabled children and adults, usually provided by family members, above all mothers. Disability activists’ strong claims also mask the existence of important differences of opinions among people living with disabilities. Arguments advanced in debate for and against abortion following an infection with Zika virus during pregnancy display the multiple layers of the debate on abortion for a fetal impairment.

Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim. 

Pliki do pobrania
Lowy - Tangled Diagnoses, ch. 5
Lowy - On Objectivity in Prenatal Genetic Care