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9 marca 2023 roku – Giulio Fornaroli – Making the Beneficiary Pay: Distributive, Not Corrective

9 marca 2023 roku – Giulio Fornaroli – <span lang='en'>Making the Beneficiary Pay: Distributive, Not Corrective</span>

Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJ (INCET) zaprasza na kolejne otwarte seminarium badawcze! Referat zatytułowany "Making the Beneficiary Pay: Distributive, Not Corrective" wygłosi Giulio Fornaroli nowy pracownik naukowy INCET. Spotkanie odbędzie się w czwartek 9 marca o godzinie 17:30 w sali 25 przy ul. Grodzkiej 52 oraz za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams.


The beneficiary pays principle (BPP) requires from innocent beneficiaries of an injustice that they contribute to redressing the damage suffered by the victim. In this paper, I take issue with the common view according to which the BPP is a matter of corrective justice. I demonstrate that the BPP cannot be a principle of corrective justice because (i) the obligations it generates are not directed from wrongdoer to victim and (ii) it does not align with the most plausible aim of corrective duties, which is that of restoring the full moral status of the victim in the moral community. I then argue that the credentials of the principle increase significantly if we consider it, instead, as a principle of distributive justice. More specifically, I argue that, even though the BPP could never serve as a global principle of distributive justice, it could sometimes enjoy local priority. I conclude with some observations about what this implies for the widely shared view according to which privilege in itself creates obligations.

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