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13 kwietnia 2023 – Christoph Merdes – Formal Epistemology meets Epistemic Injustice – An Outline

13 kwietnia 2023 – Christoph Merdes – <span lang='en'>Formal Epistemology meets Epistemic Injustice – An Outline</span>

Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Etyki UJ (INCET) zaprasza na kolejne otwarte seminarium badawcze! Referat zatytułowany "Formal Epistemology meets Epistemic Injustice – An Outline" wygłosi Christoph Merdes nowy pracownik naukowy INCET. Spotkanie odbędzie się w czwartek 13 kwietnia o godzinie 17:30 w sali 25 przy ul. Grodzkiej 52 oraz za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams.


Epistemic Injustice describes various phenomena of wrongs done 
to a person or group specifically in their capacity as epistemic agents. 
The analysis of epistemic injustice lies therefore in the borderlands of 
ethics and epistemology. As such, it should be a proper subject for 
tools of fomral epistmeology, in particular a Bayesian one grounded in a 
pragmatist interpretation of belief. This talk will provide an outline 
of the project to apply formal methods to several issues in the 
investigation into epistemic injustice and offer a preliminary analysis 
of the inherent wrong of credibility excess as well as the implied need 
for applying norms of distributive justice to credibility assignment 

Link do spotkania na MS Teams