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BIOUNCERTAINTY - ERC Starting Grant no. 805498

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Dlaczego karzemy? Wyjaśnienie genealogiczne

Dlaczego karzemy? Wyjaśnienie genealogiczne

Projekt badawczy "Dlaczego karzemy? Wyjaśnienie genealogiczne" współfinansowany przez Komisję Europejską i Narodowe Centrum Nauki w ramach grantu Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND w ramach konkursu POLONEZ BIS 1. Kierownik projektu: dr Francesco Testini

Podstawowe informacje

  • Tytuł projektu: Dlaczego karzemy? Wyjaśnienie genealogiczne (Why we punish? A genealogical account)
  • Czas trwania: 1 listopada 2022 - 31 października 2024
  • Kierownik projektu: dr Francesco Testini (
  • Opiekun naukowy: dr hab. Tomasz Żuradzki, prof. UJ

Opis popularyzatorski

‘Why do we punish?’ is a question that scholars tackled from a variety of angles. Philosophers have addressed it from a justificatory perspective, debating what (if anything) justifies punishment. Social scientists, on the other hand, tackled the question from an explanatory perspective, investigating what causes human beings to adopt such a practice.

Although some scholars have lamented how unreceptive philosophers can be towards the work of social scientists, they failed to compellingly spell out the terms in which empirical insights could claim any relevance for philosophers.

So far, such a failure has been far from surprising. After all, there is a common-sensical point justifying philosophers’ lack of interest in the empirics of the issue: the space of causes and the space of reasons are apparently insulated from one another and any attempt to make inferences from the former to the latter is at best misleading and at worst fallacious.

However, several authors recently mounted formidable attacks to this piece of philosophical common sense, showing that causes can bear upon the space of normative reasons in a variety of ways. This change of perspective turns the gap between empirical and normative discourse about punishment into an uncharted territory for productive dialogue. A dialogue that is important to have, given the high social and human costs that punishment imposes on modern societies and their members.

The general goal of this project is to fill this gap by examining how the best explanations of why we punish bear upon the normative status of the practice of punishment, thereby offering an empirically informed evaluation of our discourses and practices as far as legal punishment is concerned.

To pursue this goal, this project resorts to a reconstructive approach to the practice of punishment, investigating if it can be grounded in universal necessities related to the human condition and reconstructing the needs and pressures that might have led to its currently dominant configuration in many western countries.

The expected outputs of this project consists in three articles and a book proposal, in which the following conclusion is likely to result supported: that some form of legal punishment constitutes a practical necessity for complex and modern societies, but that the current configuration of our punitive practices is not.

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Nowa książka autorstwa Francesco Testiniego

Nowa książka autorstwa Francesco Testiniego

Francesco Testini, pracownik INCET, opublikował książkę "Quel che rimane: Un'introduzione a Bernard Williams"
więcej o Nowa książka autorstwa Francesco Testiniego

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  • Testini, Francesco. 2023. Quel Che Rimane: Un’introduzione a Bernard Williams. Pisa, Assago, Bologna: Edizioni ETS.


  • Testini, F. (2024). Progresso Morale Ed Evoluzione: Una Nota CriticaNotizie Di Politeia, 40(153), 61–77.

  • 7/10/2023, ‘Is punishment necessary? Abolitionism, restitution, and the inevitability of punishment’, Punishment: 4th International Congress of the Societas Aperta Feminarum in Iuris Theoria (SAFI), Université Paris I Patheon-Sorbonne, Paris (FR).
  • 9/6/2023, ‘Between explaining and justifying: The normative import of genealogical explanations’, 10th national Congress of the Italian Society of Moral Philosophy (SIFM), University of Rome Tre, Rome (IT). 
  • 10/5/2023, ‘Political normativity… all things considered?’, Political Normativity and Ethics International Conference, University of Granada, Granada (S).
  • 23/3/2023, ‘Is punishment necessary? Abolitionism, restitution, and the dispensability of punishment’, Department of Theory of Law Guest Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (PL).
  • 2/12/2022, ‘Kant and moral alienation’, ECPR Rousseau Annual Lecture and Conference: Political Ethics: Themes and Variations in the Work of David Owen, ECPR Harbour House, University of Essex, Colchester (UK).
  • 23/2/2023, ‘Between explaining and justifying. The normative upshot of vindicatory arguments’, INCET Seminars, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (PL).
  • 10/11/2022, ‘Why We Punish?’, INCET Seminars, Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (PL).

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Badania realizowane w ramach projektu nr 2021/43/P/HS1/02247 współfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz programu
ramowego Unii Europejskiej w zakresie badań naukowych i innowacji Horyzont 2020 na podstawie umowy nr 945339 w ramach działań „Marie Skłodowska-Curie”.
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